Rabu, 18 November 2020



Week 1 : 

No Poverty
  During a pandemic like this the poverty rate is getting higher because many workers have been laid off and find it difficult to find work. Traders also find it difficult to get money because of the situation that does not allow them to trade. Therefore, currently we need people who can create job opportunities for others. Creativity is needed in processing a material so that it has a sale value and can help the economy during a pandemic like this.

                               Week 2 : 

  Be a useful person for others

Sabtu, 18 April 2020

Love All Creatures and World

Love All Creatures and World

1. Reflection

I always sweep the floor of my house and also clean my yard. clean up the trash around my house. after everything was clean, I burned all the garbage that I had collected earlier. I think that's normal because a lot of people do that too. so there is no problem.


2. Action Now
But later I realized that the activities that I did could endanger the air pollution around me. the air will be polluted from smoldering smoke. therefore, I changed my original activity to burn all trash to recycle plastic waste and for leaf litter I prefer to bury it.

3. Action Plan
In order to reduce environmental pollution, I plan to make various handicrafts from recycled plastic waste. because by making handicrafts we can also train our creativity and expertise in processing plastic waste.

4. Wisdom
Burning trash can cause air pollution, but there are still many people who don't understand. maybe they understand but don't know what to do with the trash if it's not burned. to overcome this, tree planting can be done around the house so that it can absorb burning smoke and can also produce new oxygen for humans.

5. Love

We must love the earth and the environment and protect it from damage. nature provides so many needs for people on this earth. if the forest is damaged there is nothing else that can produce air for us all.

6. Plegde

Ø I will make various handicrafts.

Ø I will plant more trees around the house

Senin, 23 Maret 2020

                        Hospital Reservation
                          and Appointment

Hospital officer : good morning. this is a medical hospital. Anything I can help?
 Mr.Mulyono : yes, I want to check because lately feel unwell. Can I find out the opening hours of the hospital?
 Hospital officer : oh of course sir, we are open 24 hours and it's better if you come directly to the hospital to find out your health.
 Mr. Mulyono : Alright, thanks
 Hospital officer : we provide many doctors here sir there are specialist doctors and also general practitioners, and for our rooms we have a choice of VIP rooms or regular rooms. which one do you want to choose?
 Mr. Mulyono: I want to choose just a general practitioner and for my room I want to choose an ordinary room because I also don't know what illness I am?
 Hospital officer : good sir, if you come to the hospital please fill out the form and please wait to be called by the doctor yes sir.
 Mr. Mulyono : well i will go there soon

 Dr. Mahendra : Mr. Mulyono? I am Dr. Mahendra, I will check on you.
Mr Mulyono : oh yeah doctor.
 Dr. Mahendra : well, what are your complaints, sir?
 Mr. Mulyono : I have been short of breath, cough and revenge since last night?
 Dr. Mahendra : have you traveled abroad?
 Mr. Mulyono : yeah doctor, last week i just got home from singapore?
 Dr. Mahendra : this is dangerous sir, it's possible that you have been infected with covid-19 virus. Alright now let's go to the laboratory to examine further.
 Mr. Mulyono : Do I have to be treated doctor? Dr. Mahendra : yes sir, you must be treated immediately. after the lab results come out if positive you will be isolated in a special room but if negative you will only be treated in the usual room.
 Mr. Mulyono : well my doctor will follow the doctor's orders. thank you doctor.

Senin, 16 Maret 2020

Personal letter

dear riana

  hello riana. how are you?? I hope you are fine there. I'm not fine here.
  because in the area where I live the climate is not good and always changing. this results in many people being exposed to illnesses due to transmission. and for the past few days the rain came incessantly so much that the activities were also hampered and resulted in many areas being hit by flooding due to blocked channels.
 never mind, it's been too long I told you hehehee .. hopefully we will immediately reply my letter, thank you.

your friend


Cause and effect

Dating for Teenagers
          Every person in this world have known that dating is a familiar thing and it is becoming a habit for them. In fact, not only adults do the dating but also the teenagers. As we know that teenagers are getting puberty and it makes the teenagers have interest feeling with another gender. Therefore, they will look for a boyfriend or a girlfriend to be their partner. Dating can be safe for teenagers if they have a good mindset what they have to do and do not. However, dating can also be dangerous for teenagers if they cannot control their self. This essay will explain why dating can be dangerous for teenagers.
          Teenager is the time when a child growing up to become an adult and teenager is the age where they looking for their identity, looking for a lifestyle which is fit to them. Due to modernization, the teens who previously did not know anything and then knowing anything and one of the most dangerous consequence is that free sex. Free sex is one of the lifestyle chosen by teens, but they do not know what effects that will come from it. The effects of free sex may interrupt the future and life of teenagers.
          Drug use is one of the biggest effects that may occur when the teenager entered the free sex world. Drug use may occur when these teenagers always spend their time together with their partners which their couple could have been hanging out with the wrong people, in terms of people who use drugs. Teenager is a time when their curiosity was so high that by viewing or hang out with friends who use drugs these teenagers eventually interested to try it. It is of course a very disturbing development of adolescents for using drugs where it is an addictive substance can irritate neurons of the brain.
          Another result is that when teenagers already addicted to drugs that can influence them to do bad things. Related with drug use, the teenager then ask their parents for innumerable money and they spend those money just for having fun. They took their parent’s money and do not want to know where the money is come from and it should be right in front of them. In addition, in the future if the teenagers keep doing this it probably makes them to be unsuccessful human. However, this is extremely dangerous for the teenagers themselves and for the people who are around them, especially for the family.
          In conclusion, dating in teen age it's up to their business, but they must have good thinking about it. Do not let them fall on the negative things that will ruined their lives and falling apart. Parents should be able to play an important role on this. They should look after the activities and progress of their children. In other words, parents should become a friend with their children so that they can manage what is the right and the wrong thing to do for their children.


In Indonesia, we are very familiar with the word " Tsunami ". This natural disaster has ever killed thousands of lives in Banda Aceh a few years ago. Indonesia mourned, the world mourned. Then, how the Tsunami happens? Here is a brief explanation of the process of how the Asian tsunami happens.
Tsunamis can occur if there is a phenomenon which causes the displacement of large amounts of water in the ocean, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, and meteors that fall to Earth. However, 90% of tsunamis is the result of underwater earthquakes.
Vertical movement in the Earth's crust in the bottom of the ocean causes a sudden up or down movement of sea floor which then causes the water balance disorders above it. This disturbance causes the occurrence of the flow of the massive sea water energy, that once it reaches the shore, it becomes huge waves resulting Tsunami.