Rabu, 17 Maret 2021

Service learning

 Nama : Silvi lailyyatul maghfiroh

Kelas : IBB 18

Absen : 31

The service learning that I took here was reading fairy tales or stories to my younger siblings.

Recently, my younger sibling has been interested in legends because when he was in school, the teacher read one of the legends in front of the class. And I remember that I have a book that contains a collection of legends, finally I read the legend of Malin Kundang to him.

I am happy because my younger brother can understand the legend of the Malin Kundang legend.

Rabu, 18 November 2020



Week 1 : 

No Poverty
  During a pandemic like this the poverty rate is getting higher because many workers have been laid off and find it difficult to find work. Traders also find it difficult to get money because of the situation that does not allow them to trade. Therefore, currently we need people who can create job opportunities for others. Creativity is needed in processing a material so that it has a sale value and can help the economy during a pandemic like this.

                               Week 2 : 

  Be a useful person for others

Sabtu, 18 April 2020

Love All Creatures and World

Love All Creatures and World

1. Reflection

I always sweep the floor of my house and also clean my yard. clean up the trash around my house. after everything was clean, I burned all the garbage that I had collected earlier. I think that's normal because a lot of people do that too. so there is no problem.


2. Action Now
But later I realized that the activities that I did could endanger the air pollution around me. the air will be polluted from smoldering smoke. therefore, I changed my original activity to burn all trash to recycle plastic waste and for leaf litter I prefer to bury it.

3. Action Plan
In order to reduce environmental pollution, I plan to make various handicrafts from recycled plastic waste. because by making handicrafts we can also train our creativity and expertise in processing plastic waste.

4. Wisdom
Burning trash can cause air pollution, but there are still many people who don't understand. maybe they understand but don't know what to do with the trash if it's not burned. to overcome this, tree planting can be done around the house so that it can absorb burning smoke and can also produce new oxygen for humans.

5. Love

We must love the earth and the environment and protect it from damage. nature provides so many needs for people on this earth. if the forest is damaged there is nothing else that can produce air for us all.

6. Plegde

Ø I will make various handicrafts.

Ø I will plant more trees around the house

Senin, 23 Maret 2020

                        Hospital Reservation
                          and Appointment

Hospital officer : good morning. this is a medical hospital. Anything I can help?
 Mr.Mulyono : yes, I want to check because lately feel unwell. Can I find out the opening hours of the hospital?
 Hospital officer : oh of course sir, we are open 24 hours and it's better if you come directly to the hospital to find out your health.
 Mr. Mulyono : Alright, thanks
 Hospital officer : we provide many doctors here sir there are specialist doctors and also general practitioners, and for our rooms we have a choice of VIP rooms or regular rooms. which one do you want to choose?
 Mr. Mulyono: I want to choose just a general practitioner and for my room I want to choose an ordinary room because I also don't know what illness I am?
 Hospital officer : good sir, if you come to the hospital please fill out the form and please wait to be called by the doctor yes sir.
 Mr. Mulyono : well i will go there soon

 Dr. Mahendra : Mr. Mulyono? I am Dr. Mahendra, I will check on you.
Mr Mulyono : oh yeah doctor.
 Dr. Mahendra : well, what are your complaints, sir?
 Mr. Mulyono : I have been short of breath, cough and revenge since last night?
 Dr. Mahendra : have you traveled abroad?
 Mr. Mulyono : yeah doctor, last week i just got home from singapore?
 Dr. Mahendra : this is dangerous sir, it's possible that you have been infected with covid-19 virus. Alright now let's go to the laboratory to examine further.
 Mr. Mulyono : Do I have to be treated doctor? Dr. Mahendra : yes sir, you must be treated immediately. after the lab results come out if positive you will be isolated in a special room but if negative you will only be treated in the usual room.
 Mr. Mulyono : well my doctor will follow the doctor's orders. thank you doctor.